.. Contributors documentation for libCellML ============ Contributors ============ All contributors to the libCellML software project agree to the terms and conditions of the `Apache v2.0 `_ license. List of Funding Organisations ============================= * `University of Auckland `_ * `VPR `_ List of Contributors ==================== The following is a list of contributors (in surname alphabetical order) who have contributed lines of source code to the libCellML project on or before 2019-09-23. * `Ted Ahmadi `_ * `Robert Blake `_ * `Michael Clerx `_ * `Jonathan Cooper `_ * `Alan Garny `_ * `David Ladd `_ * `Massimiliano Leoni `_ * `Kyle Medley `_ * `Keri Moyle `_ * `David Nickerson `_ * `Hugh Sorby `_ For an up-to-date list of contributors see https://github.com/cellml/libcellml/graphs/contributors.